miercuri, 18 martie 2009


Timpul trece... vremurile se schimba, la fel si generatiile. Idealurile nu mai sunt aceleasi, nu se mai incurajeaza dezvoltarea unui caracter, a unor valori morale sau virtuti..totul se duce in jos, cultura[fie ea muzicala, literara, artistica sau doar generala] nu se mai afla pe nici un plan, este desconsiderata ca necesitate sau prioritate. Fiinta umana degenereaza constant, involuand spre inceputurile rasei umane. Unde sunt aspiratiile acelea elaborate si elevate? Unde sunt emotiile, sentimentele, entuziasmul si profunzimea lor? Unde a disparut ratiunea?...

Dar totusi aceasta este doar opinia mea. Astept argumente pro sau contra.

vineri, 13 martie 2009

Not back yet

nu am mai scris nimic de mult timp, nu-i asa? ei bine, nici acum nu voi scrie nimic.vreau doar sa pun versurile unei melodii de care am devenit dependent de cateva zile incoace:)

Is there a cure for this pain
Maybe I, I should have something to eat
Food wont take this emptiness away
Im hungry for you my love

Well I made it through another day
In my cold room
On scraps and pieces left behind
I survive on the memory of you

All Of me is all for you
You're all I see
All of me is all for you
You're all I need

Is there a remedy for waiting
For loves victorious return
Is there a remedy for hating
Every second that Im without you

All this life is all for love
Its the only road I'll choose
And every street and avenue
Only one will lead me to you

Angus & Julia Stone-All of me

Pt cei care doresc sa asculte melodia:click!

duminică, 11 ianuarie 2009

the unnamed feeling

..stau si ma gandesc aiurea..ma gandesc la ea (nu la ea, la cealalta ea..Raz stie), ma gandesc la cacatul ala de sesiune care se apropie, stau si ma gandesc cat de bine era acum acasa, in Brasov, la o bere pe Republicii..si stau asa aiurea si simt cum incet incet mi se face o sila de nedescris..mi-e sila de bucuresti mi-e sila de bucuresteni...
this fucking place ruined the love of my life, it took the best part of me, it took the sanity i never fucking had, and i hate it, i hate every bit of it!!
yes, i am a bitter man, and no, i don't give a fuck about 90% of the world around me, maybe this is my punishment, but i can't stop asking myself, do i really diserve it? i'm trying to get my life back on it's feet, but it seems like every fucking thing is against me. i'm swimming against the stream...and i can hear that scream in my mind, that desperate yell for help, but there's no one who can fucking hear me...and still..i regret nothing...i'm not going out, i'm not going to loose this game, as long as i have this unnamed feeling(yeah, i know, it's a song from Metallica, fuck off!) inside of me..i can't describe it, it's a red light in the dark that blindly pushes me forward, it's a mixture of hate, anger, despair, sadnmess, madness...and there's this cute blonde girl that i have a crush on, she drives me crazy, and she makes me crave for her more every single day...
bottom line: there's something inside me that wants out, it's a new side of me, and i'm not sure i should let it out or not...